
Showing posts from October, 2017

A Lethal Overload Problem

(As always in these posts, my presentation of the facts about our body’s physiology is purposely brief. I do hope, however, that my posts will stir the reader to independent research). Fixing a Lethal Fluid Overload Problem There are several reasons our blood vessels can become overloaded with fluid – blood products and water, primarily. The reasons for the overload are beyond the scope of this post, but the point is, unless the body compensates for the fluid overload, we will die.   Two body mechanisms which help the body compensate are found in the heart muscle itself – specifically the atria (the top left and right chambers of the heart), and the ventricles (the bottom two chambers). In response to atrial or ventricular filling, the heart muscle secretes specific hormones. The atrial hormone is called the ‘atrial natriuretic polypeptide’ (ANP). The ventricular hormone is called the ‘brain natriuretic polypeptide’ (BNP). Why it is called ‘brain natriuretic poly...

Adam and Eve

As I read through Acts 17 this morning, I stopped at verse 26: “[God] made from one every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth . . .” And I got to thinking again about difference between evolution and special creation. The first Man and Woman – as different as the genders are anatomically, physiologically, emotionally, and hormonally – they had to evolve at the same time from whatever it was evolutionists say we evolved. The same time. If not, our species would never have propagated itself. On the other hand, if it happened like God said it happened in those first two chapters of Genesis – a special and sudden creation – then we have the explanation of our species. Seems pretty obvious to me.